Chow Chow-opskrift


Chow Chow Recipe


Chow Chow er en dejlig og alsidig ret, som har sine rødder i sydstatskøkkenet, især i Appalacherne i USA. Retten forbindes ofte med konservering af grøntsager, da den traditionelt laves som en syltet relish eller krydderi. Chow Chow kan serveres sammen med en række forskellige måltider og tilføjer en syrlig og let sødlig smag, der forbedrer den samlede madoplevelse. Navnet "Chow Chow" menes at stamme fra det kinesiske ord for mad, hvilket afspejler rettens eklektiske indflydelse. I årenes løb har den udviklet sig til adskillige variationer, hvilket har gjort den til en elsket basisret i mange husholdninger.


Forberedelsestid: 30 minutter

Tilberedningstid: 1 time


To create a delicious Chow Chow, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 kopper grønne tomater, hakket
  • 1 kop peberfrugt, hakket (alle farver)
  • 1 kop løg, hakket
  • 1 kop kål, strimlet
  • 1 kop gulerødder, revet
  • 1 cup vinegar (white or apple cider)
  • 1 kop sukker
  • 1 spiseskefuld sennepsfrø
  • 1 spiseskefuld sellerifrø
  • 1 teskefuld gurkemejepulver
  • 1 teskefuld salt
  • 1/2 teskefuld sort peber
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional, for heat)

Trin-for-trin instruktioner

Følg disse detaljerede trin for at forberede din Chow Chow:

  1. Forbered grøntsagerne: Start by washing and chopping all the vegetables. Ensure that the green tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, cabbage, and carrots are cut into small, uniform pieces to ensure even cooking.
  2. Bland grøntsagerne: In a large mixing bowl, combine the chopped green tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, cabbage, and grated carrots. Toss them together to mix well.
  3. Salt the Mixture: Sprinkle salt over the vegetable mixture and let it sit for about 30 minutes. This process helps to draw out excess moisture from the vegetables.
  4. Rinse and Drain: After 30 minutes, rinse the vegetables under cold water to remove excess salt. Drain them thoroughly in a colander.
  5. Forbered syltevæsken: In a large pot, combine the vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, celery seeds, turmeric powder, black pepper, and red pepper flakes (if using). Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
  6. Add the Vegetables: Once the pickling liquid is boiling, add the drained vegetable mixture to the pot. Stir well to ensure all the vegetables are coated with the liquid.
  7. Lad det simre: Skru ned til lav varme, og lad blandingen simre i ca. 30 minutter. Rør af og til for at undgå, at den klistrer og for at sikre en jævn tilberedning.
  8. Jar the Chow Chow: Når den har simret, hældes den varme Chow Chow forsigtigt op i steriliserede glas, så der er ca. 2,5 cm luft i toppen. Forsegl glassene med låg, mens blandingen stadig er varm.
  9. Afkøl og opbevar: Allow the jars to cool to room temperature before storing them in the refrigerator. The Chow Chow can be enjoyed immediately but tastes even better after a few days of marinating in the fridge.

Tips til madlavning

Her er nogle eksperttips til at forbedre din Chow Chow-oplevelse:

  • Valg af grøntsager: Feel free to experiment with different vegetables based on your preferences. Zucchini, green beans, or even corn can be great additions.
  • Justering af sødme: If you prefer a less sweet Chow Chow, reduce the amount of sugar to suit your taste.
  • Krydderiniveau: For a spicier version, increase the amount of red pepper flakes or add diced jalapeños to the vegetable mixture.
  • Opbevaring: Properly sealed jars of Chow Chow can last for several months in the refrigerator. However, for long-term storage, consider canning the Chow Chow using a water bath method.


Chow Chow can be customized in various ways to suit different tastes and dietary preferences:

  • Sweet Chow Chow: Add more sugar or honey for a sweeter version, which pairs well with savory dishes.
  • Spicy Chow Chow: Incorporate more hot peppers or a dash of hot sauce for an extra kick.
  • Chow Chow med krydderurter: Add fresh herbs like dill or cilantro for a fresh flavor twist.
  • Version med lavt natriumindhold: Reduce or eliminate the salt for a healthier option, but be aware that this may affect the overall flavor.

Næringsindhold pr. portion

Her er en detaljeret oversigt over næringsindholdet pr. portion (ca. 1/4 kop):

  • kcal: 60
  • fedt: 0g
  • Mættede fedtsyrer: 0g
  • kulhydrater: 15 g
  • sukkerarter: 10 g
  • fibre: 2 g
  • protein: 1 g
  • salt: 200mg

Forslag til servering

Chow Chow er utrolig alsidig og kan serveres på mange forskellige måder:

  • Som krydderi: Serve it alongside grilled meats, fried chicken, or barbecue dishes to add a tangy contrast.
  • On Sandwiches: Use Chow Chow as a topping for sandwiches or burgers for an extra layer of flavor.
  • Med ost: Sæt den sammen med ostetallerkener, især skarpe oste, for at få en dejlig kontrast.
  • As a Side Dish: Serve it as a side dish with beans, rice, or cornbread for a complete meal.
  • Passer sammen med drikkevarer: Enjoy with iced tea, lemonade, or even a light beer to complement the flavors.


Chow Chow is more than just a condiment; it’s a celebration of flavors and a testament to the art of preserving vegetables. With its roots in Southern cuisine, this dish has evolved into a beloved staple that can be customized to suit any palate. Whether you enjoy it as a tangy side dish or a zesty topping, Chow Chow is sure to enhance your meals. By following this comprehensive recipe, you can create your own batch of Chow Chow that not only preserves the essence of traditional cooking but also allows for personal touches. So gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and enjoy the delightful process of making this timeless dish!
